RTG Sounds
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Our audiobook collection is growing all the time…
Scroll down for a list of our stories currently available on audio
Great news! Our audiobooks are taking over the world! Okay, maybe a slight exaggeration, but we’re getting there… you’ve been able to listen to us on Google Play from day one, but now there’s a much bigger choice of bookstore. All of the RTG audiobooks can now be found at these stores -
B & N Audiobooks
Kobo / Walmart
Baker and Taylor
In addition, we’re now in thousands of libraries worldwide, powered by
Overdrive (Libby)
The button underneath each thumbnail shown below will take you directly to the Google product page for that particular book. To find us at the other stores, just search for R T Green.
The RTG audio versions are auto-narrated and then human-edited. What does that mean? It means we go a step further… we take the generated audio and then painstakingly edit it ourselves. (Yes, it is painstaking… each and every book takes a full two day’s work to edit.)
For us it’s an essential step, to get the audio just the way we want it, and make your listening experience the best it can be. It’s also why our list is growing one book at a time!
Still not sure? Check out what we offer below, click on a button and listen to the sample on Google play. You’ll be impressed!
And just so you know, three of the audiobooks are permanently FREE!
1 -The Root of All Evil (The first one in series... FREE!)
2 - The Case of the Exploding Dolly-trolley
3 - A Very Unexpected African Adventure
4 - Pirates of Great Yarmouth: Curse of the Crimson Heart
The Terrifying Tale of the Homesick Scarecrow
6 - Call of Duty: The Wiltingham Enigma
7 - Christmas in the Manor Born
8 - The Shanghai Shadow
9 - Some Like It Tepid!
10 - Waltzing Matilda
11 - The Wiltingham Incident
12 - The Pointing Finger
13 - Here Comes Santa Claus!
14 - The Witch of Scraggy Bottom
15 - The Coronation Complication
16 - The Siege of Castle Montazzini
17 - A Child is Born
18 - Murder by the Book
Sandie Shaw
1 - Murder at the Green Mill (Free!)
2 - Christmas In Chicago is Murder
3 - An American in Windsor
4 - Springtime in Chicago
5 - Murder on the Miami Express
The sixth one - The Family
7 - Murder Most Olympic
8 - Two Sisters, One Ghost
9 - The Sergeant, The Flapper and a Crossword
10 - Death in Three Acts
11 - Sins of the Mother
Red Mist
Episode 1 - Falling (It's free!)
Episode 2 - Phoenix
Episode 3 - Jealousy
Episode 4 - Fearless